STRATEGIC PLANNING在提升城鄉品質生活過程中,需要先行進行頂層設計,這就要圍繞項目開展策劃規劃工作。GVL怡境國際的策劃規劃賦能業務并不僅僅局限在策劃規劃單一的頂層設計層面,而是以運營思維反向倒推策劃規劃,將運營理念前置于策劃規劃階段,從而使策劃規劃更具落地性,避免策劃規劃只是“紙上畫畫,墻上掛掛”。作為賦能型服務商,GVL怡境國際在城鄉策劃、產業策劃、旅游策劃、業態策劃和城鄉規劃(含總規、控規、修規、詳規等)、產業規劃、旅游規劃、業態規劃等領域占據優勢。
Any approach to improving the rural and urban life should be based on top-level design, which means the project has to begin with strategic planning. However, GVL’s strategic planning isn’t limited to top-level design but connects with future operation to make the planning more feasible. As a high-end service provider, GVL is specialized in the rural and urban planning, industry planning, tourism planning and business planning.